Focaccia (01.03)

Focaccia based on recipe from ‘Brilliant Bread’ by James Morton.

Recipe in book is somewhat different from video. The one below follows the book.


  • 500 g strong bread flour
  • 20 g fresh yeast
  • 10 g (1 tsp) salt
  • 400 ml water
  • 40 g Olive oil
  • additional olive oil to grease baking tin and to cover
  • coarse salt (2 tblsp)
  • any herbs

1. Put flour, salt and yeast in bowl.

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Cumble the yeast with some of the flour, add water and olive oil.

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Mix to a very wet dough, more a cake-batter.

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Leave to rest for 30-40 minutes.

2. After 30 minutes dough slightly risen.

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With greased hands lift up the dough and fold it over. Turn the bowl and repeat the folding. Continue till dough starts to hold its shape.

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Leave to rise for another 1-2 hours (or leave overnight in fridge).

3. The risen dough.

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Oil a baking tin. Turn out the dough in the tin. Fold the dough in half, repeat.

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Flatten the dough and stretch out into the corners.

Leave to rise for another hour.

4. Press fingertips in the dough to make indentations, Drizzle with olive oil and coarse salt. Left out th eindentations and the extra oil here.

Bake in a preheated oven at 220 C for about 20-30 minutes.

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Yum Yum (15.02)

Yum yum from “Brilliant Bread” by James Morton. original recipe here.


  • 500g strong white bread flour
  • 20 g fresh yeast (2 sachets (or 14g) fast action yeast)
  • 8g salt
  • 30g sugar
  • 250g water
  • 1 medium egg
  • 100g unsalted butter, chilled and diced
  • 120 g icing sugar (250 g icing sugar)
  • 2 tbsp water (4tbsp water)

1. Put flour, salt and yeast in large bowl, mix. Add the yeast and crumble with a little flour.


Add the diced butter and lightly turn in the flour.


Add the water and the egg and mix by hand till a rough dough. Do not squeeze the butter to much.Image

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave overnight in the fridge.

2. Turn out the dough (slightly risen) on floured working surface.


Form and roll out into a rectangle.


Fold in three parts .


roll out again in a rectangle. repeat 4 to 5 times until dough is smooth.




Cover with cling film and leave for 2 hours in the fridge.


3. Turn out on floured surface and roll out in long rectangle.


Cut into 10- 12 pieces.


Make a cut in each strip


twist the cuts into yum yum form ;-).


leave to rise for 1 hour.

4. Risen dough


Bake each piece in deep fat fryer at 170-180C. turn round after 3 minutes. Put on a wire rack and brush with the glaze (icing sugar mixed with some water).

yum Yum recipe


Basic loaf : James Morton (13.02)

“Basic loaf” from ‘Brilliant Bread’ by James Morton

doubled ingredients.


  • 1000 g strong white flour
  • 20 g salt (2 tsp)
  • 40 g fresh yeast (recipe calls for 2 x 7 g instant yeast)
  • 700 g tepid water

1. Flour in a large bowl with yeast on one side and salt on the other.

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Add the tepid water

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and mix until it forms a coherent dough.

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The recipe does not mention any kneading at this stage, did some here.

Leave to rest for 30-40 minutes.

2. With wet fingers fold the dough in the bowl until deflated and smooth.

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Leave to rise for another hour or doubled in size.

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3. Turn out on a flour surface.

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Form into a ball. Had to make two.

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And put on a floured surface.

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Leave to rise for another hour or until doubled.

4. Preheat oven at 210 C. Score bread and bake for at least 40 minutes.

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100% wholemeal bread (12.02).

100% wholemeal bread following recipe of James Morton in “Brilliant Bread”.


  • 1000g wholemeal bread (Markal T150)
  • 42 g fresh yeast (recipe uses instant yeast 14g)
  • 15 g salt
  • 800g water

1. Rub yeast with the flower, add salt keeping them apart. Add all the water and combine in a wet dough; leave to rest for 30 minutes.

2. Roll out on surface and knead for at least 10 minutes. Cover and leave for another hour.

3. Turn out on floured surface and form into a loaf according to the tin you will use. Put in greased tin and leave to rise for another hour.

4. Bake for 35 minutes in pre heated oven at 220C.

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